What do President Obama, al Qaeda, the Taliban, Mrs. bin Laden(s), and Fox News agree on? Osama bin Laden was killed shortly after midnight on May 1, 2011. What else do they agree about? Not much.
Before we dip our thirsty quill into the unctuous inkwell of irony that is
bleakday's guilty pleasure, let us say simply,
Good. (Irony after the break)
The world is better today than it was a week ago when Osama bin Laden was free to inspire thousands with his message of hate. His backwards philosophy was dangerous to western civilization, but perhaps more importantly, it was deadly to middle-eastern civilization's ability to secure safety and prosperity in an increasingly connected global village. His death is good news for us and gives hope to those who struggle directly under the oppression of feudalistic, pseudo-theocracies clinging to power through isolationism, censorship, and the invention of foreign devils to unite the gullible and silence the dissenters.
Good, we say. Not
Yippee, or
USA! USA!, or even
Hallelujah. We will save that for the World Cup. Those he hurt and those he threatened are breathing a little easier now and we are gladdened if their burden is lightened, if only a little. The killing of OBL was a victory, not in the competitive sense, but in the survival sense. Nobody scored a touchdown, and nobody deserves to take a victory lap in celebration. Such comparisons cheapen the real suffering of his victims and the commitment of those who put their own lives in peril on May 1st. Instead, we gratefully acknowledge those who found and killed him for the service they provided to those he threatened, which was all of us. Good.